Friday 29 August 2008

I've now got a much longer plume.

Re the greens, Richard has lengthened all the shako plumes and where shako covers are absent the full cords have been attached.

As per availability I'm looking at October as we will be away on out travels throughout September. in the meantime the command will be prepared.


John Warren said...

The French figures look fantastic and will complement the Rifles already in production. Well done and keep producing!
John warren

Anonymous said...

These have got to be the best Napoleonic figures i've ever seen!!!

They are realistically scaled which is more than I can say for the Napoleonic figures from other manufacturers. (The other ranges on the market are usually dwarf like or bulky in their dimensions).

Well done & keep producing as i've got a battlefield to fill!

Frank said...

Can you just hurry up and get them cast, instead of taunting us with pics of greens?

My 95th Rifles are just dying to kill Frenchmen and are getting really impatient . . . :-)